
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2017

22 Things I've Learned in 22 Years

1.       Harus selalu bersyukur atas apa yang udah aku punya. Bersyukur atas hal-hal kecil yang ada di sekelilingku. Karena kadang kita lupa kalau nikmat Allah dekat, kita lupa kalau selalu ada hal yang bisa kita syukuri sesulit apapun keadaan kita. I’ve found that semakin banyak bersyukur bisa buatku semakin bahagia. So, be thankful for everything you have. 2.       Nikmati hal-hal kecil yang ada di sekitar, walaupun cuma kicauan burung di pagi hari atau angin sejuk di sore hari, nikmati itu semua. Terkadang happiness cuma sesederhana itu. 3.       YOLO, You Only Live Once . Aku belajar untuk berani ambil kesempatan yang menurutku baik, ambil tantangan, ambil resiko. Hidup cuma sekali, kita gak akan pernah tau kalau kita gak nyoba. Sesekali keluar dari zona nyaman dan lihat dunia di luar garisnya, pasti ada banyak hal menarik yang perlu kita explore . Selama itu positif, gak ada salahnya untuk coba banyak ...

To the Girls Out There

I dunno what it is but I can see freedom. Stop hiding in the shadowy lies of uncertainty, hunting confirmation and affirmation and validation before living your truth. You already know what needs to be said. Say it. You already know what needs to be done. Do it. Declare your destiny and distractions. Unearth the force that moves you to freedom. We need you here -powerful and truthful and free. Straighten your crown and take your place at the table. -L'Erin Alta Stop being unhappy with yourself. You are perfect. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone elese. Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks. Love them. Without those things you wouldn't be you, and why would you want to be anyone else? Be confident with who you are. Smile. It will draw people in. My happpiness won't depend on others. I'm happy because I love who I am. I lov...